Part 3 of this video series, based on a recent Thales TCT webinar, discusses Section 3.d of the Executive Order which requires the implementation of encryption for data at rest. Data at rest encryption with privileged user access controls significantly improves security posture and not only protects data at rest, but also encrypted workloads in the cloud. Role-based access policies enable a zero trust architecture by controlling who, what, where, when and how data can be accessed. Granular access controls enable administrative users to perform their duties while restricting access to encrypted data.
Thales TCT offers data at rest encryption solutions that deliver granular encryption and role-based access control for structured and unstructured data residing in file servers, databases, applications, and storage containers. With centralized key management and a hardened root of trust with a full U.S. supply chain, agencies can ensure their master keys are protected and data remains secure.