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Zero Trust: Top 5 Tips


The rise of cyber-attacks indicates the obvious—the current approach to security isn’t working. Enter Zero Trust.

There is not a single blueprint for implementing zero trust. EO 14028, NSM 8, and the National Cybersecurity Strategy require agencies to implement zero trust. And, DoD, CISA, NIST and OMB have all issued architecture guidance. This often results in agencies implementing a self-defined approach made up of an assortment of single-purpose solutions. An ad-hoc approach has limitations and is not scalable, often making an environment more susceptible to security gaps and vulnerabilities.

Watch this video replay of Thales TCT’s presentation from the NextGov/FCW Zero Trust Workshop 2024 to learn about the best practices for implementing zero trust. The speaker will discuss the top 5 tips for putting zero trust into action.